Field day is celebrated on ginger cultivation in places with shade in Longdu
Arafat, Longdu (Rangamati)
We have to be dependent on India or other countries to meet the demand for various spice products including onions and ginger in the country. But if we exclude these products from our country in modern ways, you will no longer have to be dependent on India or any other country. It is possible to meet the needs of our country by avoiding these products on the ground of the country. The speakers say that it is possible to make a profit by cultivating ginger in the land with garden or other shadows to meet the needs of the country.
Agriculture experts said this on a field day at the ceremony of hundreds of farmers in the village of Bitpara area in the morning on Tuesday (January 14).
Organized by Longdu Upazila Horticulture Center as an local farmer Jain Abedin’s chairmanship as the chief negotichak, Upazila Agriculture Officer Rezaul Karim and Longdu Upazila Horticulture Centre’s initiative Asif Mahmood.
The art of ginger cultivation is discussed in the fruit garden or shayatic space in the chariot area organized by Baitta Para area of Langgdu upazila of Rangamati district. At this time Asif Mahmud farmers preserved advice in the garden of abandoned land and various orchard by ginger cultivation.